Webster Pass F-94 Starfire
Name | Webster Pass F-94 |
CAP data | 3932N 10551W 02DEC53,F-94,AF5415,MARKED,12.5 |
GPS coords | 39 deg 32' 05.5" 105 deg 51' 18.9" |
GPS decimal | 39.53487 105.85526 |
UTM | 13 0426475, 4376275 UTM |
Datum used | NAD 27 |
County | Summit County, CO. |
Dec. 2, 1953
Aircraft # 51-5415
F-94 at Pima Air Museum |
Somewhere in here on the mining road. |
The wreck cause: Unknown.
Posssible causes listed are: Fuel exhaustion or weather.
From the report:
Finding #4-Pilot was not accurate in determining distance or time enroute to Lowry Field from Williams AFB Arizona. #9- Pilot, Weather Forcaster and Base Ops were negligent in that no alternate was listed for the flight. [Ron's note- reading the statements and many more pages it appears that passage of the cold front and other issues took the initial briefing conditions from an ok-to-arrive at Lowry to field nearly closed condition after a delay to work on the landing gear.
1538 hours on 570 sorties were spent looking for the aircraft.(An F-86 also went missing near Winslow that same weekend so N. Ariz. was searched)
It was finally located 2 July 1954 after civilians reported aircraft parts in the high mountains. Site investigation indicated impact in level flight and total destruction of the aircraft and occupants. (Report says 200' below summit of 12,600' mountain on south side. Struck solid rock formation.)
Thanks to Craig fuller of AAIR for sending me the accident report.
Casualties: 1st Lt Jerome J. Culley (no hometown listed in accident report)
2nd Lt. Richard D. Huginin (no hometown listed)
Site Description:. .Removed. Bits and pieces scattered over 50yd circle might not amount to 5lb of material. Tiny bits and scraps, a few ribs of 12" length. Appears that impact was on top of mineshaft opening and road switchback. Mine located across the valley from Webster Pass.
Best route Can drive to impact zone in 4 WD (Montezuma Rd. at Keystone Ski Area, follow signs to Webster Pass. When pass is in sight, follow sign to Deer Creek. When road passes thru min tailings pile, this is the site.
Trips to find the F-94 (2 more pictures)
Last Modified: 5/25/2008