Deadman Gulch B-17
Name | Deadman Gulch B-17 |
CAP data | 40 29N 105 26W UNKNOWN B-17 UNK /MARKED |
GPS coords | withheld |
UTM | withheld |
Datum used | NAD 27 |
County | Larimer |
May 13, 1943
Aircraft # 42-3320
(Click on the picture to get an enlarged image)
Just a little bit of wreckage in the creek. |
The wreck cause: Flight was a ferry mission of a brand-new airplane heading from Denver to Great Falls Montana. The Pilot and Flight Engineer (were the only ones aboard. It is presumed that the pilot was flying by visual reference and got into the Buckhorn Canyon where terrain rose underneath while clouds capped overhead and when turning to reverse course, aircraft flew into the side of the canyon. Both were killed.
Casualties: Lt. William T. Averitt, Jr. of Rule, TX
Cpl. Stanley S. Luxemberg of Elwood City, PA.
Site Description:. .There is an engine, a landing gear strut, some melted aluminum and a very few miscellaneous pieces in the creekbed but this wreck has been removed. It occurred in proximity to the main road thru the Buckhorn Canyon at the time but was obscured from view from the road by a small hillock.
Im not going to say much more because this is private property, there isnt much to see so its not really worth bothing the landowner over getting permission to visit. Suffice it to say that the CAP coordinates are over 5 miles in error.
Best route Not applicable.
This one was tracked down by Duke Sumonia. Duke investigated neighbors in the Buckhorn canyon and finally located the property owner who knew where the crash occurred. The owner was not aware of what kind of plane it was because there was only one engine visible to him and little else. He was interested in knowing more so on 19 Aug 1995 the owner escorted a group of 4 of us to the site on his property.
The site is around 7000 and August is not the right time to be poking around in the rocks at that altitude. In casting about the site alone I turned up my first-ever rattlesnake. I respected his territory and his warning rattle so he let me go.
There is, however, a humorous connection to another hike I made which I call "Unknown-Jet"
Last Modified: 1/1/2008